The teams start out in Songwe Village,Zameia. When the times depart from the pit stop they must find the Songwe Museum in the village without any signs to indicate where it is located. They must use the help of the villagers. The first to leave are Rob and Brennan but they decide to wait for the members of their newly formed alliance with Frank, Margarita, Joe and Bill. Once locating the museum, the teams must decide in a detour to do one of two tasks involving photography. Then they have to bring the pictures to a chief in another village. Pat and Brenda decide not to do the tasks after failing to find the museum and decide to go for the Fast Forward. They complete this with ease and head to the next pit stop, the Arch de Triomphe in Paris. At the airport, some problems surface between Kim/Leslie and Paul/Amie. Once in Paris,the teams must find a monument through a telescope. For some of the teams this is easy but for others, proves extremely difficult. Kim and Leslie are the last to
1 - 1The Race Begins September 05, 2001
1 - 2Divide and Conquer September 19, 2001
1 - 3Home for Some September 26, 2001
1 - 4Colossal Showdown October 03, 2001
1 - 5Desert Storm October 10, 2001
1 - 6Whatever it Takes to Win October 17, 2001
1 - 7Triumph and Loss October 24, 2001
1 - 8Competition to the Fullest October 31, 2001
1 - 9The Unexpected Twist November 14, 2001
1 - 10To the Physical and Mental Limit November 21, 2001
1 - 11Fight to the Last Minute November 28, 2001
1 - 12Race to the Finish (1) December 05, 2001
1 - 13Race to the Finish (2) December 13, 2001