The teams take off from their Pit Stop at the Great Patriotic War Museum in Kiev, Ukraine and receive a clue instructing them to fly nearly 3000 miles to the oasis of Quarzazate, Morocco. Jockeying for flights immediately ensues, but all teams make the same flight and then drive four miles to an antique shop. Once there, they pick up a good luck charm to turn in at the Pit Stop and then receive a clue instructing them to drive six miles to Atlas Studios with the warning that there's a Yield ahead. When they arrive, the teams find that the location doesn't open until morning and so they must race for the Yield when it does open. Thus, one team waits out a Yield, while the others complete a Roadblock. Fortunes later reverse when the Yielded team pulls out ahead. The teams make their way to Idelssan and face a Detour task that involves either throwing pottery or grinding olives. One team arrives last at the Pit Stop, but is pleased to discover that they are not eliminated.
10 - 1Real Fast! Quack, Quack! September 17, 2006
10 - 2Can Horses Smell Fear? September 24, 2006
10 - 3Oh Wow, It's like One of Those Things You See on TV! October 01, 2006
10 - 4I Know Phil, Little Ol' Gorgeous Thing! October 08, 2006
10 - 5I Covered His Mouth, Oh My Gosh! October 15, 2006
10 - 6
10 - 7I Wonder If This Is Going to Make My Fingers Pickle October 29, 2006
10 - 8He Can't Swim, But He Can Eat Cow Lips! November 05, 2006
10 - 9Being Polite Sucks Sometimes November 12, 2006
10 - 10Lookin' Like A Blue-Haired Lady On A Sunday Drive November 19, 2006
10 - 11We Just Won't Die, Like Roaches November 26, 2006
10 - 12Dude, I'm Such a Hot Giant Chick Right Now! December 03, 2006
10 - 13Say Your Deepest Prayers Ever December 10, 2006